Feb 27

The Fall of MF Global: Inside America’s Eighth Largest Bankruptcy

James Koutoulas, founder and CEO of Typhon Capital Management and co-founder of the Commodities Customer Coalition, has been called "The boy wonder of the MF Global nightmare," by Fortune Magazine. Representing more than 8,000 former MF Global clients, Mr. Koutoulas shared his first-hand account of the bankruptcy case and opine... read more →
Jan 24

Top 25 people and events of 2011

Futures Magazine James Koutoulas, co-founder of the Commodity Customer Coalition. Angered over seeing his MF Global accounts frozen and the lack of response by industry leaders, Koutoulas offered his services to former MF Global customers and created a coalition that arguably has done more to get customers their money back... read more →
Jan 23

Critics sweep election at futures-industry regulator

Thomson Reuters "The overall goal is to change the culture of the organization to be more activist," Koutoulas told Reuters in an interview. Koutoulas and Roe co-founded the Commodity Customer Coalition in late 2011 to help former customers of MF Global get their money back, and now want NFA to... read more →
Jan 11

Brash commodities trader shakes up MF Global case

Reuters He was surprised when his efforts gained attention and other customers sought to join forces, quickly making him the de facto advocate for nearly all customers as head of the grassroots Commodity Customer Coalition. But Koutoulas plays down the "boy wonder" label he's picked up from cohorts. "Alexander the... read more →
Dec 27
Dec 22
Dec 21
Dec 16
Dec 15

MF Global customers target JP Morgan

Forbes James Koutoulas, the lawyer and futures trader who is representing MF Global customers in bankruptcy court, has a message for JP Morgan Chase Chief Executive Jamie Dimon: explain yourself. Koutoulas says he’s extending an “open invitation” to the head of the country’s biggest bank to meet with him, and... read more →
Dec 02

Bank Chased Out

NY Post A growing group of burned MF Global customers, ranging from hedge-fund traders to farmers, are calling for a boycott of JPMorgan Chase over fears that the bank is angling to get paid out first, before individual MF customers. At the same time, Koutoulas is angling to get JPMorgan... read more →